In order to effectively introduce new technology or treatment methods, the correct local and national market access routes need to be understood, along with the documentation needed (systematic clinical review, health economic data, patient and physician advocacy) to successfully navigate each process.
Market access is the science behind the effective introduction of new technologies and treatment methods into multiple countries by clearly demonstrating the benefit they offer to all parties in a healthcare system including the provider, payer and patient.
Market access has become increasingly important over the past 10 years as pressures on governments have continued to grow with increasing populations and limited healthcare budgets. In order to manage this problem, healthcare systems now focus on introducing new medical technologies and treatment methods that deliver overall value to the system rather than a simple cost reduction in one siloed area.
This approach is beneficial to both parties as the value of new technologies and treatment methods are robustly investigated prior to widespread adoption, not only optimising financial returns but also smoothing the adoption pathway by removing the need for hospitals to independently assess the effectiveness of new technologies and treatment methods.